Alternative Strategies to Lockdowns: Lessons from Around the World

alternative to lockdowns

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic saw nations grappling with tough choices. While lockdowns became a common solution, a handful of countries ventured down alternative paths to lockdowns. These strategies, moulded by each nation’s unique circumstances, socio-economic factors, and past experiences, have yielded a mosaic of results. This post takes a deep dive into some of these alternative strategies to lockdowns, gleaning lessons for future health crises.

Sweden: The Herd Immunity Approach

Sweden’s strategy was viewed by many as an anomaly. Eschewing strict lockdowns, they aimed for herd immunity, letting the virus spread while shielding vulnerable groups. The rationale? Maintaining economic and social life, and building resistance within the community. With bustling restaurants and schools remaining open, the country drew international attention. However, the approach had its challenges. A comparison with neighbouring countries showed Sweden having higher infection and mortality rates. Yet, the long-term implications on mental health and the economy were arguably lessened, painting a complex picture for the herd immunity strategy as an alternative to lockdowns.

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South Korea: Technology and Intensive Contact Tracing

Contrastingly, South Korea’s response was technologically robust and swift. Embracing a regime of extensive testing and rigorous contact tracing, they utilized tracking apps to identify and isolate cases proactively. The strategy, marked by its emphasis on early detection, minimized disruptions to daily routines. South Koreans, armed with real-time data, could navigate hotspots and make informed decisions. This method underscores the importance of marrying technology with swift public health measures—a strategy resulting in one of the world’s most effective pandemic responses and a notable alternative to lockdowns.

Taiwan: Proactive Measures and Border Control

Taiwan stands out as a beacon of proactive measures. Given their proximity to the outbreak’s epicentre and memories of the SARS outbreak, they sprung into action early. Rigorous airport screenings, public health campaigns, and stringent border controls defined their approach. These efforts paid off—Taiwan remarkably curtailed community spread, with life largely continuing as usual. Their experience illuminates the power of early intervention and the benefits of lessons learned from past outbreaks, highlighting another effective alternative to lockdowns.

New Zealand: The Elimination Strategy

In the southern hemisphere, New Zealand adopted an aggressive stance. With a clear-eyed goal to eliminate the virus, the Kiwis embraced a strict lockdown. This short-term pain yielded long-term gains. After curtailing the virus’s spread, New Zealand enjoyed extended stretches without community transmissions. Tourists saw pictures of concerts and packed sports stadiums, showcasing the benefits of a clear and decisive elimination strategy.

The Role of Public Compliance and Cultural Differences

Beyond strategies, a nation’s response is deeply intertwined with public behaviour, cultural nuances, and trust in governance. In nations with high compliance, strategies were more effective, exemplified by mask-wearing in East Asian countries. Transparent communication played a pivotal role—countries that fostered trust and conveyed clear guidelines witnessed better public cooperation. Yet, it’s also essential to acknowledge ‘pandemic fatigue,’ where prolonged restrictions wear down public resolve, complicating adherence to safety measures.


The pandemic presented a litmus test for global leadership and public health strategies. From Sweden’s laissez-faire approach to New Zealand’s hardline stance, each strategy offered its set of lessons, especially when viewed as an alternative to lockdowns. No single approach emerges as the panacea; instead, it’s evident that adaptability, resources, and societal factors heavily influence outcomes. As we navigate the post-pandemic landscape, collaboration and knowledge sharing become paramount. Future health crises necessitate global solidarity, preparedness, and learning from the myriad strategies showcased during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read Also: The Psychological and Societal Impact of Lockdowns: Beyond the Virus

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